I got to meet A on Monday, and Monday was also his actual birthday. What a cutie! Those big brown eyes and those little curls at the nape of his neck are simply adorable. His mom and I were cracking up at his method for eating his birthday cake - face first! Once his mom showed him how to grab a chunk off with his hand, then he really got into it. Happy Birthday, A!
What a n absolute darling! These are gorgeous, well done!
Oh my gosh, look at those toofers!! How cute is he? :)
That is one cute baby! Absolutely beautiful shots!
What an adorable kiddo! Love th creative way to eat cake.
What a cutie pie!! Love the colour of the background too! a colour i would never have thought of using!
Look at his gorgeous eyes!! Wow. Love the way he decided to tackle his cake. So cute. :)
Gorgeous! The face in the cake is absolutely priceless!!
What a cutie! Love that last one!
Cute!! That cake eating photo is too much! Love it!
Such a cutie! Great shots!
OMGsh, these are fantastic. Love the face first shot!
Love the cake smash ones! Good job!
Love those teeth and hair. Great images.
Love these. Love the background. Super super cute :)
Awww, how sweet.
What a cutie! Beautiful shots too!!
These are some of the cutest pictures I have EVER seen, gurl! Maybe now that my wrist is better and Im able to take pics again we can meet up sometime soon!! xoxo
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