I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph some preemie newborn twins today. They don’t look like preemie newborn twins, you say? Well that’s because they were born at 36 weeks and weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and 7 lbs 10 oz! I am in pain just thinking about that. Their mom is totally a super hero, as I got to witness today. With these two little guys plus a 2-year-old big sis, this family truly has their hands full.
This was the first set of twins babies I have worked with in about 5 years, plus I was on location at the family’s home, so this was a fun and challenging day for me. These babies are both so big and strong that they would have nothing to with any type of traditional newborn posing techniques. One of them can already even hold his head up! It seemed that we could not get both of them in the same mood at the same time (one was awake while the other was sleepy, one was crying to be fed while the other was content). As their mom said “Welcome to my life!”
T, I hope you enjoy your sneak peek. More to come later this week!